Playwrights I LOVE

Dramaturgy and Directing

As a director and dramaturg, my passion is new play development. I approach the process with the ultimate goal of helping a play be its best self and helping a playwright learn what that is. I aim to serve as an illuminator of the play, and I strive to value questions over answers in collaborative process.

I am interested in visceral plays that aim to bring the audience inside of a feeling. I want to work on plays that toy with form, style, and hover in spaces beyond realism that can help us better understand who we are and how we feel not necessarily (or only) by “holding the mirror up to nature,” but by holding up a funhouse mirror and working to recognize parts of yourself in it.

  • Will Arbery

  • Alice Birch

  • Branden Jacobs-Jenkins

  • Hansol Jung

  • Lucy Prebble

  • Aleshea Harris

  • Jesse Jae Hoon

  • Charly Evon Simpson

  • Anna Ouyang Moench

  • Jackie Sibblies Drury

  • Annie Baker (specifically John and The Antipodes, ya know?)


Time is a Color and the Color is Blue                                   Development Dramaturg                   Avalanche Theatre Next Draft Series
Boogie Man                                                                           Development Dramaturg                   Theatre L'Acadie In Bloom Series
Down in the Face of God                                                      Production Dramaturg                       UNCSA Mainstage


How to Kill A Rodent                                                           Director                                             Avalanche Theatre Next Draft Series
Love Song                                                                             Assistant Director                              Remy Bumppo (Marti Lyons)
The Writer                                                                            Assistant Director                              Steep Theatre (Georgette Verdin)

Looking for a dramaturg? Let’s chat!